Senin, 22 April 2013

Happy Kartini Day :D

Raden Kartini was born on April 21, 1879 in the town of Jepara, Central Java. He is one of a nobleman whose son was very obedient to the tradition. After graduating from elementary school he was not allowed to continue their education to a higher level by the parents. He secluded while waiting for the time to be married. Small Kartini very sad with this, he wanted to oppose but did not dare for fear of being considered a rebellious child. To eliminate the grief, he collects textbooks and other science books then read at home in the company of Simbok garden (aide).

Finally read into his interest, no day without reading. All books, including reading newspapers. If there is difficulty in understanding the books and newspapers he reads, he always asks his Father. Through this book, Kartini interested in the advancement of women think Europe (the Netherlands, who was still colonized Indonesia). Arise desire to promote Indonesian women. Women are not only the kitchen but also must have knowledge. He started with collecting the girls to be taught writing and other sciences. Amid his busy he did not stop to read and also write a letter to his friends who were in the Netherlands. Before long he was writing a letter to Mr.JH Abendanon. He begged awarded a scholarship to study in the Netherlands.

Scholarship had not gotten used Kartini as he married off by her parents to Raden Duke Joyodiningrat. After she married her husband go to the Apex area. Her husband understood Kartini and supporting women to establish schools. Thanks to his perseverance Kartini succeeded in establishing a Women's School in Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon and other areas. The school name is "Kartini Schools". Fame does not make Kartini being arrogant, he remained polite, respecting family and anyone else, does not differentiate between poor and rich.

On 17 September 1904, Kartini died at the age of 25, after she gave birth to her first son. After Kartini died, Mr.JH Abendanon memngumpulkan and posted the letters which had been sent to the RA Kartini his friends in Europe. The book entitled "DOOR DUISTERNIS TOT LICHT" which means "Out of Darkness to Light".

Hopefully this time will be reborn in Indonesia Kartini Kartini else will fight for the interests of the many. In the era of Kartini, late 19th century until the early 20th century, the women of this country have not gained freedom in many ways. They are not allowed to obtain higher education like the guy has not even been allowed to determine

Kartini was not free to choose even felt they had no choice at all because it was born as a woman, also always treated differently with his brothers and friends that man, and envy the freedom of Dutch women, eventually growing desire and determination in his heart to change the habits of the poor. Recently, the determination of the date of birth of the Kartini as somewhat moot. With a variety of arguments, each side giving their own opinions. People who are not so agree, there are just not celebrate Kartini Day, but at the same time to celebrate Mother's Day on 22 December.

The reason they are so no favoritism with women heroes of Indonesia. But more extreme to say, there is still another heroine who is more powerful than RA Kartini. According to them, it was just a territory battle in Jepara Kartini and Apex alone, Kartini also never bear arms against the invaders. And a variety of other reasons. While they are pro instead saying Kartini not just a figure of a woman who raised the degree of emancipation of Indonesian women alone but is a means of national figures, with new ideas and reforms that he has been fighting for the interests of the nation. The way he thought was in the national scope. Youth Pledge though not coined at that time, but his thoughts are not restricted to the ground kelahiranya or Java. Kartini had reached national maturity of thought that nationalism is like that proposed by the Youth Pledge 1928.

Regardless of the pros and cons, in this nation's history we know many of the names of heroine we like Cut Nya 'Dien, Cut Mutiah, Nyi. Ageng Serang, Dewi Sartika, Nyi Ahmad Dahlan, Ny. Walandouw Maramis, Martha Christina Tiahohu, and others. They fought in the area, at the time, and in different ways. There is fighting in Aceh, Java, the Moluccas, and other Manado. There is fighting in the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era, or after independence. There are striving to take up arms, there is through education, through the organization and there are other ways. They are all warriors of the nation, the nation's heroes who deserve our respect and emulate.

Raden Kartini itself is a hero who took a special place in our hearts with all ideals, determination, and his actions. Ideas magnitude has been able to mobilize and inspire the struggle of his people from ignorance is not realized in the past. With genuine courage and sacrifice, he was able to inspire his people from the shackles of discrimination. For women themselves, with initial efforts are now women in this country have enjoyed what is called the equality. The struggle is not over, in this era of globalization is still a lot of perceived oppression and unfair treatment of women.

referensi :

Global Warming

Global warming is the increase of the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean and land Bumi.Temperatur global average on the Earth's surface has risen 12:18 ° C over the last century. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that, "most of the increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century, most likely caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity through the greenhouse effect.

Rising global temperatures is expected to cause other changes such as rising sea levels, increased intensity of extreme weather events, as well as changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. The effects of global warming include its impact on agricultural output, loss of glaciers and the extinction of various animal species. Most of the governments in the world have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.

Causes of global warming

1. The greenhouse effect

All energy sources that exist on Earth comes from the Sun. Most of the energy is in the form of short-wave radiation, including visible light. When the energy of the Earth's surface, he turned from the light into heat that warms the Earth. The surface of the Earth, will absorb some of the heat and reflect the rest. Some of this heat as long-wave infrared radiation into space. However, some of the heat remains trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to accumulated amount of greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane into the trap this radiation. These gases absorb and reflect radiation emitted heat the Earth, and consequently will be stored on the surface of the Earth. This happens repeatedly and resulted in an annual average temperature of the earth continues to rise. Gases may act as glass in a greenhouse. With the increasing concentration of these gases in the atmosphere, the more heat is trapped underneath. Actually, the greenhouse effect is very much needed by all living things on earth, because without it, the planet would be very cool. So ice will cover the entire surface of the Earth. However, due to the amount of these gases in the atmosphere has been excessive, a consequence of global warming.

2.Efek feedback

The effects of global warming-causing agents are also influenced by a variety of feedback processes that result. An example is the evaporation of water. In the case of warming due to increasing greenhouse gases such as CO2, warming will initially lead to more water to evaporate into the atmosphere. Because water vapor is itself a greenhouse gas, warming will continue and increase the amount of water vapor in the air until it reaches equilibrium with the water vapor concentration. The resulting greenhouse effect greater than the effect of CO2 alone. (Although this feedback increases the absolute water content in the air, the relative humidity of the air is almost constant or even decreases slightly because the air becomes warmer). This feedback can only be reversed slowly as CO2 has a long time in the atmosphere.

Feedback effects due to the influence of clouds is the subject of current research. When viewed from below, clouds will reflect infrared radiation back to the surface, thereby increasing the warming effect. In contrast when viewed from above, the clouds will reflect sunlight and infrared radiation to space, thereby enhancing the cooling effect. Whether the net effect of heating or cooling depending on some specific details such as the type and altitude of the cloud. These details are difficult to represent in climate models, partly because the cloud is very small compared to the distance between the boundaries of computational climate models (about 125 to 500 km for the models used in the IPCC Fourth report view

Another important feedback is the loss of reflectance (albedo) by es.Ketika global temperatures increase, ice near the poles melts at an increasing rate. Along with the melting of ice, land or water below will open. Both land and water has the ability to reflect light much less when compared to ice, and consequently will absorb more solar radiation. This will add to the heating and causing more ice to melt, causing a continuous cycle.

Positive feedback due to release of CO2 and CH4 from the softening of frozen ground (permafrost) are other mechanisms that contribute to warming. In addition, the melting ice will also release CH4 are also positive feedback.

The ability of the oceans to absorb carbon will also be reduced when it warms up, this is caused by the decreased levels of nutrients in the mesopelagic zone thus limiting the growth of phytoplankton are diatoms than a carbon sink that low.

3.Variasi Sun

There is a hypothesis that states that the variation of the Sun, with a possibility reinforced by feedback from clouds, can contribute in the current warming. The difference between this mechanism with the warming due to the greenhouse effect is the increased activity of the Sun would heat the stratosphere reverse the greenhouse effect should cool the stratosphere. Cooling of the lower stratosphere has been observed at least since 1960, that will not happen when solar activity being the main contributor to recent warming. (Depletion of the ozone layer can also provide the cooling effect but the depletion occurred from late 1970's.) Phenomenon solar variability combined with volcanic activity may have given the warming effect from pre-industrial to 1950, as well as a cooling effect since 1950 .

The impact of global warming


One might assume that a warmer Earth will produce more food than ever, but it is actually not the same in some places. Southern parts of Canada, for example, may benefit from the higher rainfall and growing season length. On the other hand, semi-arid tropical agriculture in some parts of Africa may not be able to grow. Agricultural areas that use irrigation water from distant mountains may suffer if the snowpack (snow collection) winter, which serves as a natural reservoir, would melt before the peak months of the growing season. Crop and forest insect attack and may experience a more severe disease.

4. Animals and plants

Animals and plants are living things that are difficult to avoid the effects of global warming because most of the land is controlled by humans. In global warming, animals tend to migrate toward the poles and up mountains. Plants will change the direction of growth, looking for new areas as old habitats become too warm. However, human development will deter this movement. Species that migrate north or south that are blocked by the cities or agricultural lands may be dead. Some types of species that are not able to quickly move toward the poles may also be destroyed.

5. Human health

In warmer world, scientists predict that more and more people are affected by the disease or die from heat stress. Outbreaks of diseases commonly found in the tropics, such as diseases caused by mosquitoes and other disease-carrying animals, will widen because they can move into areas that were previously too cold for them. Currently, 45 percent of the world's population live in areas where they can be bitten by a mosquito carrying the malaria parasite; percentage will increase to 60 percent if the temperature increases. Other tropical diseases such as malaria can also be spread, such as dengue fever, yellow fever, and encephalitis. The scientists also predict increased incidence of allergies and respiratory diseases due to warmer air will increase pollutants, mold spores and pollen.

referensi : 

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Contoh Surat Bisnis (Modified Block Format)

Jl. Pemuda No 312 Semarang
Central Java
Tel: 024-5642100

April 4th 2013

The Vice President, 
Overseas Purchase Dept.,
DOBO Garden Center
Hillview Ave.,
New York, U.S.A

Dear Sir,
We thank you for your interest with my furniture products which shown in your email dated March 23th 2013.
We have a vast variety of garden furniture and we can undertake making furnitures of your good choice with you company brand.
We earnestly feel that it shall be good for both the companies if you or any authorised person from your Purchase Dept visit our factory for an on-the-spot assessment. 
We shall be glad to receive him to view our products and production method. This will enable him to order appropriately.

Yours faithfully,

Overseas Manager 

Contoh Surat Bisnis (Block Format)

Jalan Medan Merdeka 5
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 

April 10, 2013

Ms. Alisya Sumargo
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
Jalan Bung Hatta 3
Semarang, Central Java

Dear Ms. Sumargo:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.


Alvian Hakim

Accounts Receivable